Wild Calling Has Currently Been Discontinued

If you’ve been in the store in over the last couple months and feed Wild Calling cans to your dog or cat, you’ve probably already been told why our supply is dwindling down. In November, Wild Calling announced that they have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy.

The company has said that they hope to use this opportunity to restructure the business, but for the time being they are not producing any food. Therefore, what you’ll see on our shelves is all that is left. At least for the time being. We hate to see this happen because Wild Calling has been a great line for us and many customers have had great success feeding it.

Click here to read Wild Calling’s statement.

If you have been feeding Wild Calling cans, we have a bunch of other high quality and high meat cans that your dog or cat would do great on. Alternatively, this could be a great opportunity to try some our fresh raw, freeze-dried, or dehydrated foods.

If you have any questions about Wild Calling’s situation or would like a recommendation on what to feed next, stop in and let us know or feel free to give us a call.

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